Interactive High-Performance Computing Workshop at ISC 2019
June 20, 2019, Frankfurt Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany
in conjunction with ISC High Performance 2019
Presentations and Slides
Links to slides for most talks are available by following the links below.
June 20, 2019, 14:00-18:00 (2-6pm)
14:00-14:10 Welcome and introduction, Mike Ringenburg (Cray) [slides]
14:10-14:35 Highly interactive, steered scientific workflows on HPC systems: optimizing design solutions, John Ossyra (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) [slides]
14:35-15:00 Open OnDemand: HPC for everyone, Robert Settlage (Virginia Tech) [slides]
15:00-15:25 Interactive HPC Runs Directly from the User's Own PC, Tuomas Eerola (Techila Technologies) [slides]
15:25-15:50 Scheduling Considerations for Leadership-Class Supercomputers, Jack Wells (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) [slides]
15:50-16:00 Additional Q&A
16:00-16:30 ISC Coffee Break
16:30-16:55 The role of interactive supercomputing in using HPC for urgent decision making, Nick Brown (Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre) [slides]
16:55-17:20 Interactive Supercomputing: Challenges, Opportunities, and a Vision for the Future, Ben Robbins (Cray)
17:20-18:00 Discussion, Next Steps, and Wrap-up, Albert Reuther (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Submission Instructions
Extended abstracts (3 pages or less) should be mailed to by May 14, 2019. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to speak at the workshop and to submit full papers for publication in the ISC 2019 workshop proceedings with Springer. The proceedings will appear as post-conference workshop proceedings. The idea behind post-conference proceedings is that they give the authors the flexibility to adjust their contributions slightly based on the feedback given during the workshops.
Important Deadlines
Extended abstract submission deadline: 2019-05-14
Notifications: 2019-05-24
Workshop-ready paper deadline: 2019-06-14
Workshop: 2019-06-20
Camera-ready paper deadline (for post-conference proceedings): 2019-07-22
Program Committee
Dr. Nicola Ferrier, Argonne National Laboratory
Dr. Peter Messmer, NVIDIA
Dr. Albert Reuther, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Dr. Michael Ringenburg, Cray Inc.
Mr. John Stone, U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign